I Proposed!
Yesterday I took a leap of faith and I proposed! To be clear, I sent a book proposal to Hay House. It only took me six months to get it to good enough. Actually, it took me over two years of trying to get it together. I am not sure it is even together, but I had to send it somewhere. Deadlines are good for that. In the big scheme of my Uncapsize Prompt. This was prompt number twelve, return. I had to come back to the harbor and find a place of safety and then hit send. Which is what I did. Then I ate pizza, full gluten pizza. No bueno. Then I panicked and decided I didn’t want my true story out there. I went to go delete or unsend and realized I had a mailer daemon error code. YAY! I typed in the wrong address. Oh darn. Not. With a sense of relief instead of knots, i emailed my writing friend Mary and explained what fear and his twin, the imposter sister was doing to me. She responded with a succinct. Its time. So, I let it sit for a few more hours and then I sent it off only after I researched other agents, I could send it to. This was my distraction, but it would not be worked. Once I realized that my book boat proposal would not be out there solo, I was ok to send it. So I did. This is one proposal that I will have to wait and hear from. I’m very OK with that. Now I will focus on my blog and getting my websiste UP!