Ahoy there! You are Here!

All Aboard!

Welcome to Amy Duckworth’s ship-shape site for all fun things with writing your book!

This website is my maiden voyage into the world of sharing the Uncapsize Perspective

a daily practice to solve life challenges.

I also use the UP to write and publish books. To see how I do this with my UNCAP MAP, read on, follow me or contact me so you can create a book too!

I love to read books, write books and share books!

Here on this site, I share how I sail through the thirteen motions of the

the Uncapsize Perspective

(which is based on the capsize recovery method)

to look at life differently, solve problems, right myself and

then write all about it!

Ready About?

(Your cue) Ready!

Here we go…Righting UP now!

Let’s Write away!

If you would like to receive my monthly newsletter with latest links to my popular boat logs, the BLAHG (Boat log and happy gratitude’s)

and/or to be notified of my UPcoming book release

the Uncapsize Perspective

Coming Soon to Launch on April Fool’s Day

please sign UP with your email below and thank you!

Sea you soon!


Would you like to hear more about the Uncapsize Perspective, receive a monthly recap of my uncaps and salty stories and be the first to get the latest updates on my next book as it progresses' to the release date. If so, then throw your email overboard or just over here:)